Sunday, June 13, 2010

Baker, NV to Milford, UT

We woke this morning at 5:00 am thinking we'd beat the postal worker then it dawned on is Sunday...the Post Office is closed. We did however need to begin early today because we had an 84 mile ride to Milford, UT. Today's picture was taken just 6 miles into our trek. we had another very difficult day riding in wind and rain up three summits. God again was faithful as we rolled into town shortly after 6:00 pm. We stopped at the one-and-only grocery story for FOOD. Less than 5 mintues after we left the store we ran into the Mountain View Baptist Church. I called paster Richard and he welcomed our stay at the church. We are ending the day with good food and the Word of God. We are in Leviticus now. Please continue to pray for us.


  1. Utah!!! Hope all is going really well, God bless!

  2. I've been following along by map & blog...what an amazing adventure! Todays ride takes you through the Wah Wah Mountains...hopefully no one in your group is complaining. Stay safe & strong...God bless the group.

  3. Headwinds!Now you know how riding East to West feels!How's everyone feeling? Saddlesores?A&D ointment works great.Wow, God is sure good to you guys-Righteous living always pays off!Praise God!looks like you're also see His protection and provision also.Pray that my boat sells quickly!Give me a call too. Would love to hear from y'all. Peace. Bernie.
